Week of November 13th Week of November 27th Week of September 15th Week of September 21st Week of October 5th Week of October 26th Week of November 2nd Week of February 22nd
Comments Off on Class Snapshot Examples Continue Reading...Preschoolers are curious about the world and how it works. They are budding scientists and engineers. The children at The Ridge Preschool, and preschool classrooms around the globe, love to invent, design and solve problems. They especially love to actively move materials and make something new and interesting happen. The ramp building process has been […]
Comments Off on The Evolution of Ramps Continue Reading...Since the start of the school year our preschoolers have been exploring colors in a variety of ways. We’ve spent time mixing colors, making our own paints, categorizing based on colors, and watching the colors of nature change as the seasons progress. This week we spent time exploring one of the children’s favorite activities, which […]
Comments Off on Color Mixing Continue Reading...Materials in the classroom (or playroom) have always been something that intrigues me. They have the potential to inspire creativity and wonder or to sit on a shelf unnoticed. In our child-centered environment, the materials are carefully selected for their potential to enhance learning and discovery. My playroom did not always look like this! When […]
Comments Off on Natural Materials Continue Reading...I have always been a strong believer in multi-age classrooms for early childhood education. Research shows that multi-age groupings benefit both younger and older students in the classroom. According to Dr. Lilian Katz, an international leader in early childhood education, “Mixed-age grouping resembles family and neighborhood groupings, which throughout history have informally provided much of […]
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